Past Projects

• HIV/AIDS Awareness Raising Campaign
• Women Participation in Leadership and Decision Making
• Provided Health Equipment for Kusawgu Health Centre, Kusawgu, Central Gonja District
• Provided Health Equipment for Wambong CHPS Centre, Wambong, Central Gonja District
• Formed, trained and equipped Community Based Floods Management Squad, Yapei, Central Gonja District
• Trained 30 women in Soap Making and provided soap making equipment to beneficiaries, Yapei, Central Gonja District
• Formed and trained eight (8) School Environmental Clubs
• Empowering Girls to realize their dreams: formed Girls’ Rights and Study Clubs in 10 Schools in Central Gonja District
• Trained and Supported rural farmers to adopt the application of Organic Fertilizer
• Economically empowered the poor: Supported 40 poor women and men with three (3) sheep each.
• Constructed a Health Centre for Tosinape community (in Central Gonja District) to make health care services for over 5,000 people.
• CHPS Compound Equipment Supply Project.
• Women Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights Awareness Raising Project.
• Empowering Young People on Sexual and Reproductive Health.
• Professional Development of Teachers.
• Personal Hygiene Promotion in Public Basic Schools (School WASH).
• Constructed a Three Unit Classroom Block with Office, Store and two units Urinals for Under privileged children at Larigbani and Mahamudupe communities in Central Gonja District. On-going Projects
• Promoting Women’s Empowerment and Rights (PROWER) Project.
• Construction of a Health Centre for Tosinape community, Central Gonja District


COMMDEF has the following policies which will be shared following official request from an interested partner.
•    COMMDEF’s Grievance Policy;
•    COMMDEF’s Financial Policy;
•    COMMDEF’s Safe Guarding Policy;
•    COMMDEF’s Conflict of Interest Prevention Policy;
•    COMMDEF’s Anti-Fraud, Bribery & Corruption Policy;
•    COMMDEF’s Anti-Terrorism and Anti-money laundering Policy; 
•    COMMDEF’s Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Policy.

Local Partners

  • Ghana Health Service
  • Ghana Education Service
  • National Commission on Civic Education
  • Central and East Gonja District Assemblies
  • Ghana Aids Commission

Get In Touch

COMMDEF, P. O. Box KSG 1, Kusawgu, Savannah Region

Phone Number
+233 050 525 8945 | 
+233 024 464 4540
