
Better Health Outcomes FOR ALL

“We shall not defeat any of the infectious diseases that plague the developing world until we have also won the battle for safe drinking water, sanitation, and basic health care.”— Kofi Annan

We work to improves access, quality and equity within health systems

Taking health services to people where they live can be critical to improving health outcomes, particularly in hard-to-reach areas and in difficult contexts.

Health is the second largest part of our project portfolio. Our work in Central Gonja District is focused at the community level, where we are making quality health care accessible to the marginalized population and applying effective strategies to mobilize people through their local leaders to change cultural practices that impede the promotion of maternal and child health.

By supporting communities and health facilities with medical equipment, emergency transport systems and staff trainings, we improve the level of care for whole communities. We mobilize support for pregnant women and mothers of newborns to increase the child survival rate by addressing the behaviors that have been shown to limit maternal and child health services in the past. To reduce the incidence of malaria, we work to increase ownership and usage of long-lasting insecticidal mosquito nets.

We work to improve the delivery of primary health care services at the community level, bringing healthcare closer to the doorsteps of the people of Central Gonja District and the entire Savannah region.

Community Development and Empowerment Foundation (COMMDEF) works with Ghana Health Service to organize and train community health management committees, which help to support community health activities and encourage good health-seeking behaviors.

Together with partners, we invest in the construction of Health Care facilities (Clinics, CHPS, and Health Centres), equipping and rehabilitation of the Health care facilities.

We also implement education and sensitization campaigns that raise communities’ awareness and understanding of mental health.

Many people won’t turn to specialists for help with mental health issues because they don’t think of them as something that needs treatment, often because of their traditional or cultural beliefs. We implement education and sensitization campaigns that raise communities’ awareness and understanding of mental health.

Most maternal and infant deaths are preventable, yet unacceptably high rates of mortality persist in many places. COMMDEF works to improve women’s, children’s, and families’ access to high-quality health services.

We also work from the community to the health facility to improve pregnancy, childbirth, newborn, and child health services and outcomes.

Family planning saves lives and empowers women to improve their family’s health, education, and financial stability. We work with governments, Community Based Organisations, and communities to overcome the challenges facing girls, women, and men in accessing family planning services including a lack of complete and accurate information, poor facilities, limited access, and supply chain bottlenecks



We construct health care facilities (clinics and health centres) for deprived and hard to reach communities, thereby bringing healthcare closer to the doorsteps of Ghanaians in hard to reach communities.


We provide medical equipments to health care facilities in order to improve quality health care delivery.



Increase access to primary healthcare for marginalized population (rural folk) through the construction of Clinics, Health centres and provision of affordable means of transport to deprived health care centres deal with emergencies.


Improve the quality of primary healthcare services for marginalized population (rural folk) through equipping of health care facilities (Clinics and Health centres) and establishing of Mini medical laboratories.

Health advocacy

Increase the number families of people that understand and follow good health and well-being practices impacting children, including ante/ post-natal care, paediatric health and sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR)


COMMDEF has the following policies which will be shared following official request from an interested partner.
•    COMMDEF’s Grievance Policy;
•    COMMDEF’s Financial Policy;
•    COMMDEF’s Safe Guarding Policy;
•    COMMDEF’s Conflict of Interest Prevention Policy;
•    COMMDEF’s Anti-Fraud, Bribery & Corruption Policy;
•    COMMDEF’s Anti-Terrorism and Anti-money laundering Policy; 
•    COMMDEF’s Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Policy.

Local Partners

  • Ghana Health Service
  • Ghana Education Service
  • National Commission on Civic Education
  • Central and East Gonja District Assemblies
  • Ghana Aids Commission

Get In Touch

COMMDEF, P. O. Box KSG 1, Kusawgu, Savannah Region

Phone Number
+233 050 525 8945 | 
+233 024 464 4540
